Haiti Bioscience at UDERS-Hinche this Fall

Just a quick update.

We have been extremely busy working on the initiative. Since the pilot launch last May, our work have been focused on scaling up the idea.

In order to make the bioscience education initiative a reality in Haiti, for the past twelve months, we have been working on grants proposal, networking at scientific conferences, and more recently setting up to launch a full scale program at Universite Notre Dame Haiti- Hinche this upcoming Fall.

Events have taken place very quickly as far as bringing the initiative to Hinche in the Central Plateau of Haiti. The way it happens is really a strike of luck and being at the right place at the right time.

We will have a more formal post about how the program was funded and supported to make it happen in Hinche at a more convenient time in the near future, but for now we want to give a special Thanks to the fellows at McKenna Technical Institute (MTI) based in Virginia, who did not need much convincing to understand that a bioscience education for Haitian youth is not only innovative, but also a necessity for Haiti's development.

We are grateful to have them as an official supporter of the initiative.

As we wait to hear about our Haiti Water Initiative grant proposal in mid-July, we will continue to work in finalizing the bioscience curriculum and also to start a full public relation campaign in Haiti this summer.

Stay posted for more info in the days a head.



